Rainbow Magic
Art Character Set Description
Harriet Harriet the Hamster Fairy The Pet Keeper Fairies I think she's pretty cute.
Tasha Tasha the Tap Dance Fairy The Dance Fairies My favorite fairy, I think maybe of her outfit...?
Tashie Tasha the Tap Dance Fairy The Dance Fairies She looks pretty weird when I tried to draw in my artstyle... @_@
Rebecca and Tasha
  • Rebecca the Rock n' Roll Fairy
  • Tasha the Tap Dance Fairy
The Dance Fairies Based off this picture, I replaced Josie with Rebecca, since I don't care about Josie. Okay, about the situation of this picture... did they forget the words to sing at karaoke...?
Funday Fairies
  • Megan the Monday Fairy
  • Tallulah (or Tara) the Tuesday Fairy
  • Willow the Wednesday Fairy
  • Thea the Thursday Fairy
  • Freya (or Felicity) the Friday Fairy
  • Sienna the Saturday Fairy
  • Sarah the Sunday Fairy
The Fun Day Fairies A parody of this picture (Which is an album of a Morning Musume song). I really like Thea and Freya the most.
Dance Fairies
  • Bethany the Ballet Fairy
  • Jade the Disco Fairy
  • Rebecca the Rock n' Roll Fairy
  • Tasha the Tap Dance Fairy
  • Jessica the Jazz Fairy
  • Saskia/Serena the Salsa Fairy
  • Imogen/Isabelle the Ice Dance Fairy
The Dance Fairies here is the alternate version where they don't have the smokey eyeliner. (The eyeliner version looks like they haven't a goodnight's sleep.) I really like Tasha and Rebecca the most for some reasons. Probably my favorite group of fairies along with the Fun Day Fairies.
Harriet Hampter Hariet the Hamster Fairy The Pet Keeper Fairies Harriet, but in my style. She is so cute. ^^
Lucy Lucy the Diamond Fairy The Jewel Fairies My drawing of Lucy the Diamond Fairy. I like how I drew her face in this drawing.
Polly Polly the Party Fun Fairy The Party Fairies Polly is so pretty... I have a crush on her.
Tallulah Tallulah the Tuesday Fairy The Fun Day Fairies Here is Tallulah! I think her shoes are pretty nice (but I didn't draw them... ^^;). I really like the Fun Day Fairies.
Poppy Poppy the Piano Fairy The Music Fairies Poppy is so cute... X3 I like her. I made a pretty weird alternate version of this, she became a cute kitty. :3
Victoria Victoria the Violin Fairy The Music Fairies Just a pretty curious Victoria, she is looking at you... and she's very confused at you looking at her.
Mad Tallulah Tallulah the Tuesday Fairy The Fun Day Fairies Hmmm... I wonder what caused Tallulah to become mad...?
Tallulah TUESDAY Tallulah the Tuesday Fairy The Fun Day Fairies Tallulah is a pretty girl, just like the other Fun Day Fairies. ^////^
Furry bat Tasha Tasha the Tap Dance Fairy The Dance Fairies Tasha, but as a cute bat. X3 I wanna hug her.
Madder Tallulah Tallulah the Tuesday Fairy The Fun Day Fairies Tallulah has now finally snapped... YIKES...
Izzy Izzy the Indigo Fairy The Rainbow Fairies (Made in 12/6/2024) Just weirded out Izzy, nothin' else.
Freya doodles Freya the Friday Fairy The Fun Day Fairies (Made in 12/1/2024) I love her, she is such a very pretty girl. ^w^ So pretty... I want to kiss her. O////O
Orla Orla the Inventor Fairy The Discovery Fairies (Made in 12/20/2024) She looks pretty cute. ^u^ Also, alternate version here, she looks so sumg.
Danielle Danielle the Daisy Fairy The Petal Fairies (Made in 12/22/2024) Poor Daniella... I wonder who made her cry... u_u
Sienna Sienna the Saturday Fairy The Fun Day Fairies She becomes a cutie pie bunny girl! x3
Pearl Pearl the Cloud Fairy The Weather Fairies Just a picture of a cloud fairy, Pearl.
KITTY Ellie the Guitar Fairy and Sadie the Saxophone Fairy The Music Fairies They're now very cute kitties. :3
Thea Thea the Thursday Fairy The Fun Day Fairies Thea wearing a suit. She looks mad.
Poppy is a lesbian Poppy the Piano Fairy The Music Fairies Poppy is thinking about very pretty girls... I wonder who's her crush...?
Freya Freya the Friday Fairy The Fun Day Fairies Another Fun Day Fairy in a suit picture. She looks pretty.
Sarah Sarah the Sunday Fairy The Fun Day Fairies Sarah is pretty mad, she HATES wearing the suit. I always think that she is a lazy girl.